Saturday, March 31, 2007

Good news!

Apparently, things are going pretty darn well in the conservative blogosphere. Just head on over to and see what's happening: Reynold's deftly disposes of the strongest arguments from the most cherished and respected members of the Democratic establishment in such posts as "a response to Rosie O'Donnell" and "More Celebrity Global Warming Hypocrisy." Take that, Senator John Travolta!

But that's not all. If you thought that the White House firing public servants in order to influence Federal corruption investigations was a big deal, wait until you hear about Sandy Berger! And if a three year old non-scandal doesn't interest you, don't lose faith, because the conservative blogs are hard at work fabricating a new one. The "Dianne Feinstein Scandal" has apparently been so well covered up that no one can even find any evidence of wrong doing! Just wait until the Mainstream Media gets a whiff of that.

I almost (but only almost) feel bad for them.

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