Tuesday, February 20, 2007


So, I am planning to write up my thoughts on Rudy Giuliani as presidential candidate shortly. I went to the New York Times search page and typed in "Giuliani." Here is the page I got. Notice anything odd? Look at the second of the paid Advertiser Links. It says, "Giuliani Learn More About The Exploratory Committee", but it is sponsored by JohnMcCain.com. The link takes you to McCain's (really, really creepy, cultish) website.

If you search "John McCain", the first paid link to come up is MittRomney.com, though it at least says Mitt Romney's name on the link that directs you to his site.

If you google Romney, the two that come up are for Romney related sites, and for Clinton, Obama and Edwards, only sites relating to the candidate searched come up in the Advertising link section.

So are the Republican candidates paying to have their websites come up when their oponents are searched? Is McCain paying to have a misleading link with Giuliani's name direct people to his own website? Do the paid advertisements in the Times just work in mysterious ways? Very strange...

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