Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Over the course of this year, the Oberlin College Republicans have, as part of the "Ronald Reagan Lecture Series" hosted, among others, a climatologist to challenge global warming orthodoxies, a woman to discuss the failures of feminism, and a black guy to discuss the end of affirmative action. Yesterday's speaker, given this hilariously transparent MO, was not particularly surprising, but they made a mockery of themselves in a way I wouldn't really have though possible. On Tuesday May 1st, the Republicans hosted a speaker of Mexican descent who discussed immigration reform. What's the big deal, you ask? The big deal is that they titled it:

"An Evening with a Mexican-American: Essentials of Real Immigration Reform."

Are you fucking kidding me? An evening with a Mexican American? It's like they don't want to be taken seriously. I guess it's kind of brilliant because you can't ridicule something if its title is so mindbendingly stupid it leaves you speechless.

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